General information
All Ears would like to offer you a listening ear if you run into problems. In some situations, however, a single conversation with a listening ear is not enough. If you get stuck, have psychological complaints or maybe you think about suicide, we are happy to help you find the help you need. Below you will find an overview of various agencies that might be able to help you further.
If you do not have serious psychological complaints but feel you need more than just one talk at All Ears, you can make a follow-up appointment with one of our student workers. For more information go to our website at; for an appointment send an e-mail to
General Practicioner
Be aware that the university psychologists of the RUG are only available during office hours and are mainly focused on help with study-related problems. The SSC cannot provide the right help for acute, serious psychological problems. The doctor can refer you to the GGZ. Even if you are not studying at the RUG and are looking for a psychologist, the doctor is the one who can refer you to a psychologist. In an emergency, contact your doctor. If you are concerned that you will harm yourself, call 113 or 0800-0113, or go to for help with suicide prevention. You can also contact 113 if you know someone who is (possibly) suicidal.
If you get stuck and have psychological complaints that you cannot resolve yourself, a psychologist can help you. If you are studying at the University of Groningen, you can contact the Student Service Centre (SSC) for short-term help, up to a maximum of 5 conversations. Examples are study-related problems, stress complaints, anxiety, or gloominess. If during the intake it appears that you are not able to register for short-term help, you will be referred via the GP to long-term or more specialized help outside the SSC. Student Service Center: click here for the SSC website: click here for the website from SSC
Student counsellor
In case your situation causes study delay or if you want to discuss options for help, you can make an appointment with a student counsellor of the University of Groningen. A student counsellor might refer you to a specific training or course. Perhaps it is an option to consider coaching or talking with a psychologist from the university. A counsellor can also examine whether you might be entitled to financial compensation of your study delay. Appointments can be made trough the Student Service Centre (SSC)
Student counsellor
In case your situation causes study delay and/or if you want to discuss options for help then make an appointment with a student counsellor of Hanze University of Applied Sciences. A student counsellor might refer you to a specific training or course. Perhaps it is an option to consider coaching or talking with a psychologist from Hanze University. A counsellor can also examine whether you might be entitled to financial compensation of your study delay.
Appointment student counsellor
You can make an appointment by phone or at the desk of the Front Office of the Student Counsellors: Every working day from 11 AM till 3 PM, Zernikeplein 7, Van Olstborg, B3.011 or phone: 050-5954028.
Hanze Student Support & Walk- in office hours
For information:
Other organizations
All Ears would like to offer you a listening ear if you run into problems. In some situations, however, a single conversation with a listening ear is not enough. If you get stuck, have psychological complaints or maybe you think about suicide, we are happy to help you find the help you need. Below you will find an overview of various agencies that might be able to help you further.
If you do not have serious psychological complaints but feel you need more than just one talk at All Ears, you can make a follow-up appointment with one of our student workers. For more information go to our website at; for an appointment send an e-mail to
General Practicioner
Be aware that the university psychologists of the RUG are only available during office hours and are mainly focused on help with study-related problems. The SSC cannot provide the right help for acute, serious psychological problems. The doctor can refer you to the GGZ. Even if you are not studying at the RUG and are looking for a psychologist, the doctor is the one who can refer you to a psychologist. In an emergency, contact your doctor. If you are concerned that you will harm yourself, call 113 or 0800-0113, or go to for help with suicide prevention. You can also contact 113 if you know someone who is (possibly) suicidal.
If you get stuck and have psychological complaints that you cannot resolve yourself, a psychologist can help you. If you are studying at the University of Groningen, you can contact the Student Service Center (SSC) for short-term help, up to a maximum of 5 conversations. Examples are study-related problems, stress complaints, anxiety, or gloominess. If during the intake it appears that you are not able to register for short-term help, you will be referred via the GP to long-term or more specialized help outside the SSC. Student Service Center: click here for the SSC website: click here for the website from SSC
Student counsellor
In case your situation causes study delay and/or if you want to discuss options for help then make an appointment with a student counsellor of Hanze University of Applied Sciences. A student counsellor might refer you to a specific training or course. Perhaps it is an option to consider coaching or talking with a psychologist from Hanze University. A counsellor can also examine whether you might be entitled to financial compensation of your study delay.
Appointment student counsellor
You can make an appointment by phone or at the desk of the Front Office of the Student
Counsellors: Every working day from 11 AM till 3 PM, Zernikeplein 7, Van Olstborg, B3.011 or phone
Hanze Student Support & Walk- in office hours
For information:
Other organizations
All Ears would like to offer you a listening ear if you run into problems. In some situations, however, a single conversation with a listening ear is not enough. If you get stuck, have psychological complaints or maybe you think about suicide, we are happy to help you find the help you need. Below you will find an overview of various agencies that might be able to help you further.
If you do not have serious psychological complaints but feel you need more than just one talk at All Ears, you can make a follow-up appointment with one of our student workers. For more information go to our website at; for an appointment send an e-mail to
General Practicioner
Be aware that the university psychologists of the RUG are only available during office hours and are mainly focused on help with study-related problems. The SSC cannot provide the right help for acute, serious psychological problems. The doctor can refer you to the GGZ. Even if you are not studying at the RUG and are looking for a psychologist, the doctor is the one who can refer you to a psychologist. In an emergency, contact your doctor. If you are concerned that you will harm yourself, call 113 or 0800-0113, or go to for help with suicide prevention. You can also contact 113 if you know someone who is (possibly) suicidal.
If you get stuck and have psychological complaints that you cannot resolve yourself, a psychologist can help you. If you are studying at the University of Groningen, you can contact the Student Service Center (SSC) for short-term help, up to a maximum of 5 conversations. Examples are study-related problems, stress complaints, anxiety, or gloominess. If during the intake it appears that you are not able to register for short-term help, you will be referred via the GP to long-term or more specialized help outside the SSC. Student Service Center: click here for the SSC website: click here for the website from SSC
Student counsellor
In case your situation causes study delay and/or if you want to discuss options for help then make an appointment with a student counsellor of Hanze University of Applied Sciences. A student counsellor might refer you to a specific training or course. Perhaps it is an option to consider coaching or talking with a psychologist from Hanze University. A counsellor can also examine whether you might be entitled to financial compensation of your study delay.
Appointment student counsellor
You can make an appointment by phone or at the desk of the Front Office of the Student
Counsellors: Every working day from 11 AM till 3 PM, Zernikeplein 7, Van Olstborg, B3.011 or phone
Hanze Student Support & Walk- in office hours
For information: